Brien Holden

Sydney, Australia, 3 August 2016: Over 200 optometrists attended the 2016 Brien Holden Lecture Series to hear from myopia experts at a commemorative event for Professor Brien Holden held at UNSW Australia on 31 July 2016.

Sydney, Australia, 3 June 2015: Brien Holden Vision Institute and Vision CRC Ltd at the University of New South Wales have been the leading intellectual property generators in vision related technologies over the last decade in Australia, according to a report released by IP Australia.

Sydney, Australia, 15 February 2016: One of the final articles of Professor Brien Holden has confirmed a worrying prediction about the increasing prevalence of myopia, finding that by 2050, half the world’s population will be myopes. Published this week in the journal “Ophthalmology”, the study combines prevalence and population...

Virtual Refractor is an online learning tool that simulates a distance and near subjective optometric refraction, using a refractor head on virtual patients. There are numerous patients, prescriptions and profiles, and the patients respond to test questions and charts based on user input.

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