Child Eye Health
- August 19, 2021
- Reading time: 3 mins
- October 25, 2020
- Reading time: < 1 min
Sydney, Australia, 18 May 2020: In this year of unprecedented change and recalibration, BHVI and the Brien Holden Foundation have worked together to ensure that their staff and programs receive the support they need.
- May 18, 2020
- Reading time: 2 mins
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 5 September, 2019: Nearly four years ago at the start of 2016, the eye health for all Papua New Guineans was elevated by the long-term commitment from the Lions Clubs International Foundation
- September 4, 2019
- Reading time: 2 mins
Hanoi, Vietnam, 20 August 2019: Today marks an historic day for Hanoi Medical University and its School of Optometry, as the first graduating class of optometrists complete their degree.
- August 20, 2019
- Reading time: 2 mins
Sydney, Australia, 27 July 2019: Rembering Professor Brien Holden four years on. Our CEO and founder, Professor Brien Holden passed away on 27 July 2015. His passion and generosity was legendary in the eye care industry.
- July 1, 2019
- Reading time: 2 mins
Durban, South Africa, 12 May 2019: Each year the immense contribution that nurses make to global eye health is recognised on International Nurses Day, this year we celebrated Petronella Nichols, MBA, Africa Regional Director, Brien Holden Vision Institute Foundation, who started her professional career as a registered nurse. Here is her inspirational story...
- May 14, 2019
- Reading time: 5 mins
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 30 April 2019: Today a dedicated optometry student from Ho Chi Minh City will receive reward for her tenacious commitment to studying optometry. The scholarship is being granted by an Australian optometrist, Dr Tony Hanks OAM
- April 24, 2019
- Reading time: 2 mins
Sydney, Australia, 23 March 2019: Today as we celebrate World Optometry Day, we encourage you to pause to reflect on the fact that optometry, as a profession, is very young in many global locations emerging more rapidly over the last 10 to 15 years.
- March 26, 2019
- Reading time: 2 mins