Sleeping late is a risk factor for myopia development amongst school-aged children in China

Nicole Liu, MOptom, PhD


Thomas Naduvilath, PhD


Padmaja Sankaridurg, BOptom, MIP, PhD



Shangahi, China

New findings from BHVI researchers Nicole Liu, Thomas Naduvilath, Padmaja Sankaridurg and partners at the Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center (SEDPTC) have identified, through data from a two-year trial, that children who are late sleepers are a susceptible group to both myopia onset and progression.

The identification and consistency of results with late sleepers being a susceptible group to both myopia onset and progression suggests a complex relationship between circadian rhythm, indoor environment, habitual indoor activities and myopia development and progression. The data offers new insights into risk factors for myopia, as well as decision-making of myopia prevention strategies.

Liu, X.N., Naduvilath, T.J., Wang, J. et al. Sleeping late is a risk factor for myopia development amongst school-aged children in China. Sci Rep 10, 17194 (2020).

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