BHVI is seeking volunteers for a clinical trial that will measure contrast sensitivity (a reflection of how the eye functions in real life scenarios) while wearing different contact lenses spectacles and optical filters.
We are seeking both experienced contact lens wearers, non-experienced contact lens wearers and spectacle wearers. For spectacle wearers, contact lenses may be worn at some of the visits but can be inserted and removed by the optometrist.
This study is conducted by Brien Holden Vision Institute Limited at the Clinical Trials and Research Centre on the campus of University of New South Wales.
Participation is voluntary and will require up to 15 follow-up visits, with each visit lasting approximately 2.5 to 3 hours.
As recognition for your participation in the trial, you will receive Westfield gift cards at each visit.
Please contact the Clinical Research and Trials Centre if you are interested in participating in this trial or require further information, by completing the form below or calling 1300 651 663.