Professor Padmaja Sankaridurg, BOptom, MIP, PhD
Since the first International Myopia Conference was held in New York in 1964 the impact of myopia has escalated with myopia becoming a major global issue. The IMC has played an important role to drive and grow myopia research and to provide a forum where the world’s leading researchers can come together and present their findings.
The mission of the conference is to cover and present new findings from a wide range of research areas including experimental myopia, environmental factors, genetic analysis, ophthalmological optics and pathologic myopia. We also hope to encourage researchers from around the world to deepen mutual relationships and to broadcast a new global message with respect to the future of myopia research,” said Dr. Ohno-Matsui in her welcome letter.
The 17th IMC jointly organized by the Japan Myopia Society and BHVI was held from September 12-15th at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University and was a hotspot of knowledge, controversy, new data and heavily discussed findings across many of the hot topics in myopia management today.
The President of the Japan Myopia Society, Dr. Kyoko Ohno-Matsui led the record-breaking 870 attendees through the 72 presentations and 180 poster presentations – all increasing the ever-growing knowledge base on how to tackle the myopia trend.
The IMC achieved this and more with robust discussions among the world’s leading researchers working in myopia. The abstracts of the presentations are attached.
Tokyo finishes as a huge success with excitement around the next meeting in two years in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The global myopia landscape is growing and changing so rapidly it is critical to have these dedicated researchers working in the important area of myopia.